Course information
Managing your personal finances and making decisions about money is an important part of everyday life. This course is designed to help you understand and make the most of your personal finances, including the different financial products and services available, borrowing money and saving money, with practical guidance and advice. With real incomes falling and personal debt at a record high, it’s vital to improve your personal finance skills. This Managing Your Money course starts by giving you guidance on compiling a budget and using it to make good decisions about your spending.
You will explore information about debts and investments, comparison websites and how credit cards and loans are used to finance ownership. The critical issue of debt management is explained, with guidance on the different products.
The course also examines different types of insurance. It offers practical advice on how to make rational decisions about purchases.
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to understand how to undertake financial planning, including drawing up a budget and a household balance sheet, compare and understand loans and other debt products as well as be able to explain core categories of personal investment and the returns they provide. You will able to summarise insurance products and how they are priced.
Entry requirements
There are no formal qualifications or experience required to enrol on this course. You must be in employment and willing to study and enhance your skills for the better.
What will I study?
- Financial planning
- Income, taxation and benefits
- Expenditure and budgeting
- Debt and borrowing
- Savings and investments
- Housing and the household balance sheet
- Insurance and comparison Websites
Taught hours
There will be a total of 12 guided learning hours (GLH) for this course.
Where can I progress to next?
Although this course is specifically designed for individuals’ daily budgeting activities, the maths skills you learn can also be an advantage in gaining better employment. You could progress on to a more in depth maths qualification.