Three students tell us about their part-time jobs
Selena Bhattacharya
I work as a cleaner in a shop in the city centre. It’s not near my house, but it is near the bus station, so I can get there on a number 19 quite easily. I don’t earn a lot, but because I work in the food department, I can buy things to take home at 20% discount. So I save money by working there! But nobody told me that in a big shop they pay you every month, not every week so I had no money for four weeks! Don’t forget to ask about that when you start a new job.
Nina Milmo
My job is in a restaurant. It’s good because I work at lunchtime when my daughter is at school. I work in the kitchen. It’s hard work, but the people I work with are very nice and we laugh a lot. Sometimes we go out together after work too. Some of them eat their lunch at work because it’s free. But I don’t do that because I prefer to eat at home with my daughter.
When you start a new job, people forget to tell you, so you should ask a lot of things questions. For example, we wear a uniform and it is our job to wash it but I didn’t know so my uniform was really dirty for ages.
Greg Bryniarski
I work in a cinema. Some days, I check people’s tickets and show them to their seats and on other days I sell them ice-creams and sweets. It’s great _________ I see all the new films without paying! Sometimes my friends come to see films but I’m not allowed to talk to them.
Last week, the fire alarm sounded during a film and I didn’t know what to do! Afterwards, the manager told me to read the Fire Instructions carefully. It’s always a good idea to do this when you start a new job.
If you are having any problems at work, come to the STUDENT SERVICES department or call us on 0121 525 858 and we can give you some more advice.