It can be extremely difficult to budget your own money and this can lead to problems. People tend to overspend because they do not know how best to control their finances and it can be difficult to achieve financial stability. To support with this common problem, we have created this Budgeting Awareness course, which will empower individuals to achieve financial stability and success.
The key to financial success is knowing how to be organised with your expenses, establishing a sensible budget and having strategies to help you maintain that budget, which is exactly what the Budgeting Awareness course will teach you to do.
This course aims to help individuals who are having a difficult time budgeting to successfully control their money and limit spending on unnecessary items. In this course, you will learn how to set goals, create your own budget effectively, overcome debts and overspending, and also acquire strategies that will help in making long-term budgeting effective and successful.
This course will help you prepare budgets, learn how to make informed budgeting decisions and effectively communicate financial information to key stakeholders. It’s ideal for everyone who has budgetary responsibilities.
There are no formal qualifications or experience required to enrol on this course. You must be in employment and willing to study and enhance your skills for the better.
There will be a total of 2 guided learning hours (GLH) for this course.
Where can I progress to next?
Although this course is specifically designed for individuals’ daily budgeting activities, the maths skills you learn can also be an advantage in gaining better employment. You could progress on to our more in depth Managing Your Money course or a maths qualification.