Essential Digital Skills at Entry 3 and Level 1

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Course information

This course is designed to build learners confidence in digital skills and provide a solid foundation from where learners can develop their IT knowledge. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to prepare for work in the digital world and look at how emerging new technologies impact on individuals, teams, workplaces, and people’s finances.

All the skills, knowledge and behaviours taught on this programme will provide you with life skills and prepare you for employment, with the flexibility and resilience for a successful career.

The tutors have years of experience, and they bring together theory and practice, so that you can develop high-level skills and knowledge.

Entry requirements

These courses are great for both younger and older learners. They are open to anyone aged 19+ and the only formal requirement is that prospective students will need to be at Entry Level 2 before joining the course.

What will I study?

  • Using devices and handling information
  • Creating and editing
  • Communicating
  • Transacting
  • Being safe and responsible online

Taught hours

There will be a total of 50 guided learning hours (GLH) for this course.

Where can I progress to next?

You may wish to further your Digital skills and consider progressing onto a higher-level Digital Skills course and progress onto a vocational course. If in employment the course will enhance your Digital Skills and overall skills set helping you achieve more.  If not in employment this programme will improve your chances of achieving sustained work.

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