ESOL/English Level 1

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Course information

Our English/ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses are great for learners of all ages. Available to anyone aged 19+ who is looking to improve their English language skills. Our courses support students in developing their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

As well as improving your English language skills, you are also able to practice key skills required by employers to be successful at work e.g., writing notes and filling in forms, making phone calls and speaking to other people, reading texts, following instructions, and listening for information.

Our experienced tutors have expertise in aligning theory and practice. The skills and knowledge taught on these programmes will provide you with the essential Literacy skills needed to achieve at work, progress onto a vocational course and be prepared for further learning or indeed, gain employment

Entry requirements

Our online courses are open to anyone aged 19+ and all prospective students will be expected to attend an online placement interview and undertake an ESOL initial assessment, before being placed on an appropriate course.

What will I study?

  • Reading and writing
  • Speaking to others and listening for information
  • English skills required by employers

Taught Hours

Varies dependent on course level.

Where can I progress to next?

On successful completion of this course, depending on your starting level you will be able to progress onto a higher-level English course, a vocational programme or employment.

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    Further instructions for the Initial Assessment will be sent out to you via email once you have completed registration